Notice: Tract 1,2,3 acreages have been adjusted due to surveyed acres. The surveyed acres came out to the following:
Tract 1 acres 132.51
Tract 2 acres 180.11
Tract 3 acres 115.90

Tract 3
Decatur County Iowa – Grand River, IA
Grand River Row Crop Bottom Land
Method of Sale: Online only auction with bidding open October 18 through October 24, 2024
Location: From Grand River IA, North on R15 app 5 miles to Clarke Decatur St (county road). Then West on Clarke Decatur St app 1.5 miles to farm.
Short Legal: Twn70N, Rng27W, Sec 6 in Decatur County. Legal to govern.
Legal Description: Available upon request.
Total Acres: 115.9+/- Surveyed Acres
Taxes: TBD as tract is part of larger farm. Estimated at $3650 annually based on total farm tax and excluding the home on the farthest NorthEast corner of the farm. Final tax amount to be determined by the assessor's office of each respective county.
Possession: Buyer to receive possession at closing subject to tenants’ rights. All seven tracts are leased through the 2024 crop year. Possession is subject to the present lease so full possession is on March 1, 2025. Seller to send notice of termination of leases prior to September 1, 2024. Sellers retain all crop rents for the 2024 crop year.
Closing Date: On or before December 5, 2024.
FSA Information: Total FSA Acres: 115+/-, FSA Tillable Acres: 95+/- in Row Crop Production. There are approximately 10+ additional acres currently in the feed lot that could be cropped as well.
Butler Grain Bin, Estimated 600 bu capacity, Erected in 1948
Stormor Grain Bin, Estimated 3900 BU capacity, Erected in 1982
York Grain Bin, Estimated 4750 BU capacity, Erected in 1965
Butler Grain Bin, Estimated 1200 BU capacity, Erected in 1948
Long Grain Bin, Estimated 3500 BU capacity, Erected in 1948
Butler Grain Bin, Estimated 1,044 BU capacity, Erected in 1948
Silage Bunker, 40 ft wide, 128 ft long, 5 feet deep
Feed Shed, 12x16
Machine/Utility Building 24x56, Year Built 1948
Pole Barn, 56x60, Year Built 1948
Pole Barn, 30x80, Year Built 1948
Pole Barn (Hog Shed) 3,888 sq ft
Hog Confinement, 30x66, (farrowing house)
Steel Utility Building, 36x36, Shop
Grid Sampled in 2022 (see attachment)
Home: It is the sellers intent to tear down the older farm home on this tract. Therefore there will be no septic inspection or guarantees.
Reservations: Sellers reserve the right to remove the wooden barn currently on property. Documents relating to such are to be prepared by the seller's attorney and will be made available for review.
Exclusions: The white home in the furthest Northeast corner of property and 2+/- acres surrounding it do not transfer with the sale. Sellers are reserving the home and acreage.
Soils: Pershing silt loam, Nevin silty clay loam, Bremer silty clay loam, Belinda silt loam, Vesser silt loam, and others. Farm offers a weighted average CSR2 rating of 72.27 based on Surety Mapping. Soil maps and full list of soils available.
CSR Information: CSR2 Value based on Surety Mapping of 72.27 CSR2
Description: Excellent Grand River Row Crop Bottom Land. This tract of land offers highly tillable row crop bottom land in the Grand River Bottoms. Located in Decatur Counties in Iowa. This farm offers large, easy to farm fields and good gravel road frontage. This farm has been owned by the same family for 4 generations and this is the first time in that duration the farm has been offered for sale.
In addition to farming, this tract of land is located just North of the Sand Creek State Wildlife area and would make for excellent hunting and recreation. From the Iowa DNR website: “Tucked into the rolling hills of southern Iowa’s Decatur County is Sand Creek Wildlife Area, a 3,700-acre destination for deer hunters and bird watchers. Here, cell service disappears and nature’s sounds take over – this isn’t a white noise machine – it’s the real thing.”
Auctioneers note: For bidding purposes the multiplier of 116+/- acres will be used. Farm is currently being surveyed and acres may adjust to surveyed acres at completion. Acreages, CSR Information, and tax estimates are for informational purposes and are not guaranteed. Auction company has determined these numbers to the best of our ability through county records, surety mapping systems, mapright mapping systems, plat maps, fsa records and county records among other sources. Each prospective bidder is encouraged to research this information to arrive at their own judgment.
Key Features:
Large, Easy to farm field.
Good Road Frontage
Well Sloped for drainage
Owned by same family for 4 Generations
Quality tenant with management capabilities familiar with land if needed
Grand River Bottom Land 0-2% Slopes on most of farm
Additional adjoining acreage available
Approximately 83% (up to 91%) Tillable Farmland
CSR 2 Rating above county average
Potential feedlot with pens
Grid Sampled in 2022 (see attachment)
Statement from the Owners: The current farmers on the land have been excellent stewards of the land for many years. The owners and farmers have maintained an excellent working relationship. The current farmers have expressed interest in continuing to farm the land and the current owners would highly recommend them.
Note From Terms:
Tract 3, comprised of 115.9+/- Acres, which includes the house, grain bin and outbuildings, is offered as is, where is, no warranties expressed or implied. Sellers' disclosures including but not limited to, Lead Based Paint, Meth Disclosure and Seller's Residential Property Disclosure are available for review and will be incorporated into the purchase agreement. Sellers make no guarantee or warranty on the home condition or functioning of systems, or suitability for purchasers' intended use.
Sellers reserve the wooden barn on tract three for removal for up to two years from date of closing. Sellers’ attorney to prepare the legal document reserving the barn. The home and app 2+/- acres in the farthest North East corner of tract 3 is NOT included in the sale.
