Located near Hamilton, MO on good gravel. Read more if you're looking for a farm with excellent income or potential building site.

Status: SOLD Price: $680,000
Farm Location: Caldwell County MO near Hamilton
Acres: Total 160+/- Tillable 136+/-
Short Legal:
Twn 57N, Rng 28W, Sec 30
On good gravel road
160+/- total acre farm with 136+/- tillable acres
Currently rented for the 2021 growing season
Has hunting lease
Potential building site
Offers excellent income
Total annual income $25,400
Farm lays well and offers some terrace work in place
Property Description: Located in Caldwell County MO on good gravel road, this 160+/- total acre farm with 136+/- tillable acres offers excellent income and potential building site. Farm is currently rented for the 2021 growing season for $175 per tillable acre x 136+/- total acres for an annual income of $23,800. Farm has a hunting lease as well for app $1600 annually. Total annual income $25,400. Farm lays well and offers some terrace work in place.

Soils: Mostly Colo Silt Loam, Lagonda Silty Clay Loam and Lamoni and Adair Soils.
Directions: From Hamilton, West on Hwy 36 app 4 miles to the intersection of 36 Hwy and NW Caldwell Road. Then South on NW Caldwell Road app 1 ¾ mile to farm. Farm on West side of Road.
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